Suggest Listing.

The Super Birthdays directory is a listing of businesses that provide services related to kids birthday parties.  This includes party destinations, perfomers and suppliers and everything in between. Although the parties are for kids, this website is predominately aimed at parents and guardians.

We care a great deal about our directory and aim to maintain a list of relevant businesses that parents will find useful.  If you have a business or know of a business that you think should be listed, please email us the following information.


[email protected]

Submission Info:

1. City (or Cities) that you wish to be listed in

2. Business Name

3. Website URL
    - if you have a specific page for birthdays, please provide that link

4. Home/Venue Option
    -Let us know if you have an option to bring your party to the individuals home or venue of their choice

5. Category (Play, Create, etc)
    -suggest a category but please know that we may need to pick a different category for consistency or other reasons

6. Choose Listing Type #1, #2, or #3 (see here for details)

We don't accept all sites, so please don't take it personally if the site is not accepted.  We also don't accept payment to get listed.  Our goal is to make the directory as useful as possible for users, not to make a directory of every remotely relevant website under the sun.